Superagente Cody Banks

Banda Sonora
TítuloSuperagente Cody Banks
DiscográficaHip-O Records
CompositorJohn Powell, Various Artists
Duración total de la BSO

BSO Superagente Cody Banks - Disco 1

01 Fortune And Fame - The K.G.B.
02 My Way (Remix) - Butch Walker
03 Uptown Girl - New World Idols
04 I Spy - Papa Dee
05 Seven Days In The Sun - Askil Holm
06 I'm A Player - The K.G.B.
07 Teaching Myself To Dream - Katy Rose
08 Sucka MC's - Grand Skeem
09 Ain't No Fakin' The Funk - The K.G.B.
10 What's Real - Janyelle
11 Super Bad Ghetto Spy - Infinite Mass
12 Life Is Good - Junk
13 Chasing Cody/The CIA - John Powell
14 Cody The Spy/Girl School - John Powell
15 How's that for some good cues to find the bad guys by? Really get down on "AIN'T NO FAKIN' THE FUNK", you've gotta see through the hype, to see the light from The K.G.B., it's must be the money, cause it sure ain't funky. I know I can't always win "LIFE IS GOOD", when you're around, nothing can bring me down performed by JUNK, takes life to the next level. This is great fun for the whole family and wild-party music to boot...not to mention a crowd who wants to save the Agent Cody Banks!

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