Nunca me han besado

Banda Sonora
TítuloNunca me han besado
CompositorDavid Newman, Various Artists
Duración total de la BSO

BSO Nunca me han besado - Disco 1

01 Never You Mind - Semisonic
02 Standing By - Willis
03 Lucky Denver Mint - Jimmy Eat World
04 Problem - Remy Zero
05 Erase & Rewind - Cardigans
06 Closer To Myself - Kendall Payne
07 At My Most Beautiful - R.E.M.
08 Catch A Falling Star - Block
09 Candy In The Sun - Swirl 360
10 Until You Loved Me - The Moffatts
11 Cumbia De Los Muertos - Ozomatti
12 Watching The Wheels - John Lennon/Yoko Ono
13 Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want - The Smiths
14 Innocent Journey - Sonichrome
15 Don't Worry Baby - The Beach Boys
16 A Girl Named Happiness (Never Been Kissed) - Jeremy Jordan
17 Never You Mind - Semisonic (Party at Robs)Good innocent party song. Very fun and catchy.
18 Standing By - Willis (Carnival) Perfect fit with the scene. Acoustic Guitar Guru. It's a Don't Worry Be Happy song. Very joyful. Feel like shaking a pair of rattles to this song.
19 Lucky Denver Mint - Jimmy Eat World (Havn't heard this song in the movie)Smooth relaxing song, you know those ones that make you feel like you're drifting on a cloud.
20 Problem - Remmy Zero (Not heard) Not that great. But I don't hate it.
21 Erase & Rewind - Cardigans (Prom King and Queen have their first dance) I love this song! Great slow song to dance to.
22 Closer To Myself - Kendall Payne (Josie walks through men's change room to see coach)I like it.
23 At My Most Beautiful - R.E.M. (Guy walks out of Josie's room after he he ask her to the prom)Sweet and also relaxing.
24 Catch A Falling Star - Block (Opening credits) Such a catchy song to sing along to. A classic remake of Perry Como. You would have heard this song on Princess Diaries, if you've seen it.
25 Candy In The Sun - Swirl 360 (At the prom where these dudes melt the ice sculpture)Great pop/rock song to dance to.
26 Until You Loved Me - The Moffatts (End credits) A mix of pop, country, and rock. Very catchy but kind of too dopey love for me.

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